Yesterday was a particularly lovely day and I had a bit of a jaunt out to the countryside. I had some of my Liberty print make-up bags and shower hats to drop off at the Green Gallery in Buchclyvie…….
They have an exhibition opening on Saturday….
Although they still had a lot to do – hanging artwork etc - all the work to be displayed was there so I was lucky enough to be able to have a good look around at all the gorgeous things. It is a lovely gallery with a really good mix of painting, jewellery, ceramics. textiles and glass…..
I am very excited to be part of the exhibition among such gorgeous work – Look, my name is on the flyer!! I was particularly taken with the ceramics of Karen McPhail and the tree paintings by Sandra Moffat – oh to be rich, I could spend a fortune there. If you are in the area do pop in – it is well worth the effort. Downstairs the paintings are by a variety of artists using animals as subject matter and upstairs are some beautiful seascapes and woodland landscapes.
As I was in the area I took the opportunity to call in on Rebecca and her gorgeous wee boy Duncan. I wish I had had my camera with me as she lives in an idyllic location with some amazing views. In fact the whole journey was one amazing vista after another – quite breathtaking.
Rebecca had recently purchased a tepee for Duncan which her husband had put up while she and the baby were out – his wee face was an absolute picture when she showed it to him for the first time! Hopefully she will blog about it!
I looked - and I saw your name - excellent!
Posted by: Bella Bheag | May 07, 2011 at 10:36 PM